Brief Overview

The goal is very simple: understand the universe; explain eternity; then live, truly live, forever.

The picture below models the major stages, starting from the bottom up.

To learn the truth of the universe we start, not with so-called experts and authorities, but with observations obvious to us all: the universe is made of physical and spiritual, positive or negative, interactions. The physical interactions are driven by power, but we choose our spiritual interactions.

Those spiritual decisions are inspired by faith, hope, and love which are inspired by patterns of interactions that we have experienced. These first two stages describe who we are and the world in which we live. These are the foundation of universal truth.

Our paradise instinct is the longing to eliminate the negative and keep the positive going forever. To fix our problems, establish perfect patterns, and achieve endless growth requires an infinite good person.

Where is an infinite good person? This question starts us on a quest. We examine the many worldviews and religions out there and discover that only the Bible—interpreted by progressive patterns—reveals a truly infinite, truly good Person who offers us a way totally out of this evil mess. Popular, mystical, dogmatic methods of interpretation add to the mess, rather than solve it.

Our real pain in this battle between good and evil cannot be cured by a mythical story. The four layers of prophecy that cover the entire Bible also reliably predict and explain all of world history from beginning to end. Our faith in God is strengthened and our understanding of progressive patterns is solidified.

Finally, everything comes together with the spiritual master pattern—the Beatitudes. They are both steps to heaven and pillars in our eternal home. They are also a spiritual rainbow of truth that arches over the throne of God and wraps together every lesson and every story in the Bible. They invite, empower, and guide us in our new life as sons and daughters of our loving Father in heaven.