Matthew’s History

This is just the barebones outline of the book that still needs to be written.


1:1-16) Geneology of Jesus >> History: 14/14/14 - 10/10 we forget our past

1:17-25) Jesus born >> History: Promised Seed. Mary put away, eve not. Virgin birth, a/e created

2:1-12) Magi from east >> History: Babel builders, lot, Abraham’s sons went east now returning

2:12-18) Herod jealous, Jesus flees >> History: Ishmael mocking, sent away

2:12-23) Jesus to Egypt and back >> History: abraham to egypt and back

3:1-12) John the Baptist >> History: Wilderness pattern, noah

3:13-17) Jesus baptized >> History: Baptized for world, world baptized in flood (cleansed of riches)

4:1-11) Jesus tempted >> History: Adam and Eve tempted

4:12-25) Calling first disciples, multitudes >> History: Abraham to patriarchs, israel’s ideal


5:1-16) Beatitudes >> History: ten commandments

5-7) SOM expands Beatitudes >> History: Mosaic laws expand ten commandments

subsections >> History: OT stories for examples?

You heard, but I say >> History: Old to new covenant


8-9) Most healings are in this section >> History: Jesus came to heal, connect with other gospels?


10:1-15) Apostles empowered for mission (Judas liar) >> History: Disciples empowered at Pentecost

10:16-30) Warned about persecution >> History: Jewish and Roman persecution

10:31-42) Warned about betrayal, cowardice >> History: Falling away begins

11:1-24) John seeks and is true church >> History: separation of true/false churches begins?

11:25-28) babes rest in Christ >> History: elevation of church fathers

12:1-14) Accused of wrong Sabbath practices >> History: Sabbath change begins

12:15-21) withdraws quietly >> History: development of using force against heretics

12:22-37) blasphemy, good/bad fruit >> History: Augustine reason over scripture

12:38-45) 7 devils in clean house >> History: monasticism?

12:46-50) Defines true relatives >> History: Doctrine of apostolic succession emerges


13) Parable teaching >> History: Allegorical/mystical method vs new build on old

14:1-12) Death of John the Baptist >> History: persecutions by those who say they are Jews but not. Jezebel. Civic execution.

14:13-36) Miracles of bread, walk on water >> History: Miracles over scripture. Hurt not oil wine.

15:1-9) Tradition over commandment >> History: Change of Sabbath; Idolatry erased

15:10-20) what defiles a person >> History: holy relics but not holy hearts

15:21-28) woman of tyre >> History: imperfect seekers (walden, cathar,…) rejected, persecuted

15:29-39) Bread to the multitudes >> History: Bible withheld

16:1-12) leaven of pharisees >> History: superstition

16:13-16) Disciples say Jesus is Son of God >> History: Arian, trinity, other heresies

16:16-20) Peter, rock, and keys >> History: Establishment of papacy, confession to priest (transubstant?)

16:21-28) peter’s rebuke, gain whole world >> History: earthly power and glory of papacy (renaissance?)

17:1-13) Mount of Transfiguration >> History: Opposite of papal rule, priestly mediation

17:14-21) casting out devil by prayer and fasting >> History: fights of early reformers (renaissance?)

17:22-27) temple tax >> History: indulgences tax children not strangers


Human relations in this section >> History: Emphasis on individual over hierarchy

18:1-10) Children offended >> History: Inquisition, hellfire, other abuses against laity

18:15-20) Two or three >> History: democratic church introduced, no persecution of heathen

18:21-35) seventy times 7 >> History: sola gratia

19:1-12) marriage questions >> History: returning to faith once delivered to saints, sola scriptura

19:13-15) children rebuked >> History: protestants persecuted, forgot they had been persecuted

19:16-22) rich young ruler >> History: sola christa (but forgetting to give up all)

19:23-30) Rewards for those forsaking earthly >> History: sola deo gloria (father’s good pleasure)

20:1-16) last hour workers >> History: sola fide (but forgetting entering missionary work)

20:17-28) Serve not to be served >> History: Priesthood of all believers because all persecuted

20:29-34) multitude rebuke blind men >> History: wesley minority rebuked by churches


21:1-11) procession into city >> History: revival of bible/mission societies

21:12-13) Jesus comes to cleanse temple >> History: Church purified by SC/sanctuary message of 1844

21:14-16) Children praising >> History: Sweden phenomenon

21:17-22) fig tree >> History: judges professedly fruitful tree

21:23-46) two sons >> History: majority of Christians rejected Christ’s coming

21:33-46) fruitless nation >> History: millerites expelled

22:1-14) wedding garment >> History: pre-advent judgment

22:15-22) Parable of the penny >> History: church and state separated

22:23-33) resurrection >> History: rise of conditionalism

22:34-40) greatest commandment >> History: antinomian-type mindset/culture?

22:41-46) david’s son >> History: confront root beliefs?


23:1-12) call no man your father >> History: decentralized 1901, self supporters, yet factions, megastars

23:13-36) Woes on pharisees >> History: Babylon is fallen

23:37-39) House left desolate >> History: come out of her, AofD

24) Prophetic timeline >> History: All prophecies unsealed, points to final events

25) virgins >> History: loud cry, shaking

25) talents >> History: judgment: place in heaven

25) sheep >> History: judgment: entrance to heaven


26:1-16) simon, mary, judas >> History: faithful betrayed, accused of fanaticism, but gospel goes to world

26:17-30) last supper >> History: last communion before TT, like passover

26:31) all offended >> History: none offended; can’t trust anyone, every earthly support fails

Gethsemane >> History: individual preparation, wrestling like Jacob

Trials >> History: Persecutions

Crucifixion >> History: Protection, midnight deliverance


28) Resurrection >> History: Resurrection

28) Soldiers unconscious >> History: Wicked killed by God’s glory

28) commission >> History: missionaries forever