Did Ellen White plagiarize?

This question really has two levels to it. First, did Ellen White illegally copy a significant portion another author’s work without giving proper credit? Second, regardless of whatever copying/modifying of other authors that she did/didn’t do, can we trust her writings to be of God and not of man?

The first question I answer with this challenge: Show me 100 words in a row that Ellen White copied verbatim from anywhere. She cut, changed, increased, and modified heavily to get HER point across.

The second question is answered with this parable. Once upon a time there was a woman who waded through a vast garbage dump looking for real jewels. There was a lot of disgusting trash. There were many artificial gems. There were also some fine jewels that needed more or less polishing and cleaning. She found some of these and set them in order into her unique display case that organized and connected them unlike any other display case on earth. As best we can tell, one of out twenty of the gems in her display were not hers, but the final patterns were uniquely hers.

The links below are for Ellen White

Analysis of critic’s analysis

E. G. White Estate response

The links below support the accusation of plagiarism. Please note the unfounded assumptions that borrowing words automatically means borrowing thoughts. Also, note that other possibilities are not considered. In other words, surface facts automatically prove deeper accusations.

Test the Prophet channel

Non-Adventist? website

I come away from these presentations scratching my head, “This is the best they have?"


This is just a quick response that deserves more explanation.